I've worked in the field of privacy long enough to remember a time when almost no companies in the world had privacy officers. Now, almost all big companies do. And soon, Europe's privacy laws are likely to be amended in a way to mandate them, or at least to provide strong incentives to appoint them, which will lead to massive growth in this profession.
But what is a data protection officer? Or can we even agree on what to call them? "Data Protection Officer" or "DPO" is a euro-centric title, since Europe long ago invented the concept of "data protection" as an alternative (not synonym) for "privacy". Personally, I have long used the title "Global Privacy Counsel", since I think it's useful to express three things that define my job, namely, the topic (privacy), the geographic scope (global) and the functional perspective (namely, counsel, or lawyer). But privacy leaders are often not lawyers, and hence, use different monikers, ranging from Chief Privacy Officer to Director of Privacy Engineering, or Director of Privacy Compliance, or Chief Privacy Evangelist, in each case stressing a different functional perspective.
For very large companies, privacy needs to be a cross-functional effort, representing security, engineering, legal, compliance, policy and communications. Personally, I focus on the legal/regulatory/policy sides of privacy. For very large information-based Internet companies, literally hundreds of people work on privacy, across these different functions. For smaller companies, in my opinion, there should be at least one person who is accountable for privacy, in some sense, even if it's not a full-time job.
As Europe is on the verge of mandating "data protection officers", we need to understand what exactly these people will be accountable for. First, it's important to note that the European proposal will probably be modeled on the existing functions in France ("correspondent") and Germany ("Datenschutzbeauftragte"). In these countries, the DPO is responsible for supervising their companies' creation and use of databases of personal data, liaising with government privacy regulators, and providing good privacy advice and guidance. In practice, DPOs in Germany and France are sometimes focused on the legal side, and sometimes on the technical/security side.
In the US, there is a different vision of privacy leaders. At most US companies, lawyers play this role, just as I came to privacy through the legal profession. And we play this role in our capacity as lawyers, namely, providing privacy legal advice to our companies. As privacy lawyers, we provide advice, but are not empowered to make final decisions about whether or not our companies will follow our advice. The companies' executives are the decision-makers, ultimately, not the privacy lawyers. There are of course other models at some US companies, but they're still in the minority.
So, as Europe institutionalizes the role of DPO, it will be important to define what exactly these people will be accountable for, seen from inside and outside their companies. For multinationals, it will take some time to work out how to support their privacy leaders under these different legal regimes as they straddle jurisdictions. And as DPOs are held accountable for certain areas, they too may need protection and indemnification from their companies for personal liability, just like other professions, such as chief financial officers who are mandated by various laws with specific areas of accountability.
I welcome laws in Europe that will help strengthen the role of DPOs in their companies, and will help make DPOs more prevalent across industry. This will be a practical step forward for privacy. But at the same time, it will be important to define what we're accountable for, internally and externally, especially in a field where the very notion of "privacy" is highly subjective, and where the visions of what a privacy leader is supposed to do diverge dramatically, by country, by industry, and by function.
1 comment:
Great post Peter.
Shaun Dakin
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